The Soho House group have got their game plan down to a T, only problem is you have to be a member, splash out on a hotel room, OR sleep with some media type to get in. Not in here. Finally they're letting in everyone and anyone, so it is no surprise that this place is always busy. Open from 7am, it's one of BarChick's ultimate early morning drinking spots, plus if you're hungry those breakfasts are banging.
It's all dark wood and red leather, with a big long bar you can sit at. Perfect for business, dates, or just hanging with your hip media mates. Be sure to book one of the comfy chairs by the window if you're just drinking, or if the sun's out and you're quick get a table outside. You can eat at the bar too if there's room but the moral of this story is get there early.
They have plenty of cocktails to choose from, but ask the barman to shake you something special and you might be better off, although the Bloody Marys are where it's at. Hit the high tea bar snack menu, come for a real roast on weekends, check out the ales on tap... and if you really don't wanna leave then get yourself a room, they're surprisingly good value. Hit the restaurant after 11pm and if they've got a free room it's all your for 50 quid, perfect if you pick up a hot date! It even includes a Morning After kit (that’s not the pill, its fancy products and a toothbrush).