Some things should be kept entirely secret, but BarChick believes in caring and sharing and it seems that in spite of of the odd wandering visitor, Tejo Bar has managed to retain its very local ambience. In the middle of a residential part of Alfama, Tejo is one of those places where you must knock on the door to get access. Once in, it’s like being in someone’s living room and to be honest we think that’s exactly what it is.
Impromptu acoustic gigs and fado recitals are the norm; three of four guitars circle the place at most time accompanied by various other instruments – there’s even board games if your own company makes you a little bored.
It’s a late nighter – drinks are served as long as drinkers keep drinking and things don’t get moving until after midnight. Lively might be the wrong word but inviting and entertaining definitely fit the bill. Wine comes in at €1.50 a glass, beers and ciders around the same. If you need a post-drink soaker there’s toasties, flaming chorizo and that’s about it.