We’re not entirely certain whether Oasi della Birra is a deli, a wine cellar or a beer bar, but it was certainly everything we could ever wish for when we discovered it on a very hot afternoon. Sit street-side, share a table with your new Roman mates and try to make sense of the menu which has over 300 beers on it. After some advice from our friendly neighbours (the waitress didn’t speak English) BarChick went for the Audace 32.
It was light and citrusy and, as with every Italian beer we've tried so far, it tasted damn fine, kinda like a fruity Corona but at 8.4% - bellissimo! Go shopping inside and tuck into their massive wine and Champagne selection with anything from Crystal to a local roman red (and only pay €5 more for the privilege of sinking it at the table). Not a tourist in site, just how we like it.